MYP Assessment Policy

OHMS MYP Assessment Policy

Because we are dedicated to providing an academically focused environment through arts integration and globally minded challenges, Oak Hammock Middle School is committed to providing purposeful assessments at an appropriate level of rigor to our students.  Assessments are centered on student learning and allows students to demonstrate mastery in a variety of ways.  Students will be able to monitor their own progress and will understand the expectations of each assignment, as defined by a given rubric. 

Purpose for assessment:

  • Assessment supports and encourages effective teaching and learning.MYP Approaches to teaching and learning are emphasized.
  • Assessment reflects multicultural aspects of the programme, focusing on global context and inquiry.
  • Assessment determines the learners’ levels of understanding, using both formative and summative assessment.
  • Assessment will meet the needs of students at particular ages and stages of development.

Principles of assessment:

  • Assessment is key to planning, teaching, and learning.
  • Assessment practices are understandable to all members of the school community (teachers, students, and parents).
  • Formative and summative assessments are appropriately balanced.
  • There are opportunities for both peer and self-assessment, where students reflect on their own learning.
  • Before starting new learning, teachers will assess students’ current knowledge and experience. Students will be provided with the necessary rubric prior to each unit’s start.
  • Teachers provide students with specific feedback to help guide student learning.
  • Reporting to parents is meaningful and frequent.

Assessment practices:

  • At a minimum of two times a year, every teacher will assess each strand of each criteria, using a variety of strategies.
  • Teachers will report assessments with report cards, parent-teacher conferences, School Messenger, and Focus.
  • Teachers will record student grades using the Lee County School District public report cards and interim progress reports.

In the MYP:

  • Teachers will organize relevant assessment and reporting procedures according to the objectives of the programme and all assessments will be monitored.
  • Teachers will make professional judgments based on the prescribed MYP assessment criteria as defined in the subject guides.
  • Teachers will incorporate multiple forms of assessments that are adapted to the learning objectives for each subject.
  • Summatives, student portfolios, performances, presentations, essays, and unit projects will be used to demonstrate students’ progress as a means of authentic assessment.
  • Authentic assessment will be used in conjunction with other forms of assessment such as standardized tests in order to assess student performance and basic skill levels.Lee County Schools administers multiple required assessments including the Florida Standards Assessment, quarterly checks, and District Finals.


Assessment Rubric:

MYP Achievement Level

OHMS Grade




















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