Student Handbook

 Oak Hammock Middle School

Student Handbook 2023-2024


Principal: Mr. David Howdyshell


Assistant Principals: 

Mr. Falk

Mr. Quisenberry

Mrs. Morales

School Website: 

Student Hours – 9:45am – 4:00pm


Important Announcements at Oak Hammock Middle School, including the Pledge and moment of silence, are presented in the morning and afternoon on the PA system.  During announcements, all students are expected to remain quiet and attentive.  All students are required to stand for the pledge of allegiance.  If your parents or guardian do not want you to participate in the pledge, they must write a letter to the school stating this.  


Regular attendance is vital for a student’s academic success.  All students shall be in attendance when they are present in their assigned classes, serving internal suspension, participating in a school-sponsored function, or on an educational field trip.


Any time a student is absent from school, parents/guardians are expected to notify the school.  In addition, a signed note explaining the absence(s) must be brought in the day the student returns to school. This note must include the student’s full name and the dates of absence.  Students are required to turn this note into the Front Office staff upon return.  Failure to bring a note from home will result in an Unexcused absence.

Excused Absence Reasons:

  • Parents may submit excuse notes for up to 5 student absences without other documentation

  • Personal sickness or injury of student (absences of 5 days or more require a written note from a physician)

  • Students having, or suspecting of having, a communicable disease or infestation which can be transmitted are to be excluded from school and are not allowed to return to school until they no longer present a health hazard. 

  • Illness or death of an immediate family member

  • Observance of religious holidays of student’s own faith

  • Medical/dental appointments

  • Court appearance or subpoena

  • Special Event: Examples of special events include state/national competitions, conferences, or exceptional cases of family need. The student must request and receive permission from the principal at least 5 days prior to the event.


One week prior to a pre-arranged absence, parents/guardians must submit a note to the school stating the student’s full name, date of expected absence, and the contact information of the parent/guardian.  Approval of the principal is required. It is expected that the student will notify each of his/her teachers about the absence. 


It is the student’s responsibility to obtain all assignments missed due to an absence and complete them in a timely manner (the number of days absent, plus one day).  Incomplete and/or missing assignments will be reflected in the student’s grade.  All assignments are posted in each class’ Google Classroom. 


Students arriving at school after 9:45 am are considered tardy and MUST report to the Main Office for a ‘Late Pass’.  Habitual Tardiness is defined as being tardy 5 times within an academic quarter. Unless excused, the continued tardiness will be documented as Unexcused Absences. Habitual tardiness may result in disciplinary action as stated in the Student Code of Conduct


It is a school-wide expectation that bookbags follow the OHMS Dress Code and are placed in the front of the classroom (or a designated area assigned by the teacher) for the entirety of each class period.  No student should handle another student's backpack without staff permission.


Riding the bus is a privilege.  The bus should be looked at as a “classroom on wheels”. Therefore, and according to Florida Statute, school bus drivers have the authority to monitor and control the behavior of students anytime they are being transported to and from school or school functions.  The bus driver is in full charge of the bus.  It is the responsibility of each student to abide by the rules/expectations when riding the bus to ensure the safety of all students.  Any actions interfering with student safety will not be permitted. 

Bus Rules/Expectations:

  1. Students must report to their assigned seats and remain seated, facing forward, and keeping the aisles and exits clear.

  2. Students may only ride the bus to which they have been assigned by the School District of Lee County.

  3. Students shall enter and exit the bus only at the stop assigned by the School District of Lee County and may not enter or exit the bus at any other stop except in the case of emergency or as approved in advance by administration.

  4. Students must demonstrate courtesy and respect to the bus driver and fellow students. Profanity and/or abusive language will not be tolerated and subject to disciplinary action.

  5. Students must not yell, talk loudly, play music through speakers, horseplay, and/or play fight on the bus.

  6. Students may not eat or chew gum on the bus. Students must keep the bus clean.

  7. Students must not extend any part of their body or any objects out of the bus windows.

  8. Students may only carry objects that can be held securely in their laps while on the bus.

  9. Electronic devices, glass containers, animals, balloons, fireworks, toys, sharp objects, water guns, etc. are not permitted. 

  10. The School Dress Code will be enforced on all routes. 

Students who violate these rules will face disciplinary consequences as stated in the Student Code of Conduct and may be suspended from the bus. Anything that distracts the bus driver is considered a safety violation and/or other rules violation and can result in a suspension of bus privileges.  *Students serving a bus suspension are still required to attend school.  Parents will be responsible for transportation to and from school during a student’s bus suspension.


Breakfast and Lunch are provided for each student at no charge.  

While in the Cafeteria students are expected to R.I.S.E. as well as demonstrate proper behavior, respect the space and safety of others, and follow the directions of adults supervising.  Each student is expected to:

  1. Walk to and from the Cafeteria with your assigned class in a quiet, orderly fashion.

  2. Remain seated at your class’ assigned table, unless directed otherwise.

  3. Use proper table manners while eating and keep your area clean.

  4. Not cause a disruption through yelling, making noises, changing seats, and throwing food or objects.

  5. Consume all food and drink in the Cafeteria.

**No delivery of food will be allowed during school hours.**  


Oak Hammock Middle School enjoys celebrating special events with our students.  However, students are not allowed to have balloons, flowers, food, or gifts delivered to them in the classroom or carry them throughout the day.  Any items delivered to school for students will be held in the Front Office until dismissal. Balloons are not allowed on the bus as they are a distraction to the bus driver. 


All students will be issued a Chromebook, Chromebook Charger, and Protective Sleeve.  Each item is the responsibility of the student.

Students are expected to use the Chromebook and any district computer in an appropriate and responsible manner.  The Chromebook and district computers are to be used for educational purposes only.  Inappropriate use of technology or equipment may result in disciplinary action according to the Student Code of Conduct.  


Oak Hammock Middle School students have the opportunity to participate in a variety of after-school clubs and activities.

Requirements:  All students must have a signed participation waiver form provided by the front office on file before attending.

* A list of clubs is available on the school website: Clubs & Activities and in the Front Office. 

Athletics - Intramural sports offered at Oak Hammock Middle School include basketball, cross country, volleyball, soccer, track, golf, and tennis. Tryouts for each sport are announced to all students.  Teams compete against other middle schools in Lee County.

Requirements: 1) Participants must provide proof of insurance 2) Signed participation waiver form provided by the athletic department 3) Athletics Physical Form 4) Achieve a minimum grade point average of 2.0 from the previous quarter to be considered eligible for participation 5) Maintain good behavior during the season.


Students’ rights and responsibilities are outlined in the School District of Lee County Code of Conduct. An electronic copy is available on or here.


Each Oak Hammock Middle student will have an electronic discipline card to track disciplinary infractions. These cards are utilized as a behavior intervention tool that allows students (as well as teachers) to monitor their behavior and help develop responsibility for their actions in order to make a positive impact on their education.  

Students are expected to follow R.I.S.E. (Respect, Integrity, Service, Excellence) expectations in each of the six areas listed: Classroom, Hallway, Cafeteria, Bus Ramp, Performance, Attendance 

Consequences for Misconduct:

  1. Lunch Detention - Students assigned to lunch detention are to report to the Lunch Detention Room in the Cafeteria at the beginning of their Lunch shift.  

  2. Team Time-out - Students causing a significant disruption to the learning environment may be asked to leave a classroom and go to another classroom for a team time-out.  Students assigned to a team timeout are to report to the assigned room, check in with the teacher, and sit where they are directed without disruption. 

  3. Timeout - Students assigned to Timeout are to report to the Timeout Room in Room 134. Students are to sign in and sit down in the chair where they are directed. 

  4. Community Service - Students assigned to Community Service will report to the Cafeteria at 4:20 pm (during late Bus Dismissal) and check-in with the supervising adult.  The end time is 5:15 pm.

  5. After School Detention - Students assigned to Detention will report to the ISS Room, 334 when called by Mr. Ramos.  The end time is 5:15 pm.

  6. Saturday School - Students assigned to Saturday School will report to school by 8:50 am. Students must be in school uniform/follow proper dress code.  The time is from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm.

  7. In-School Suspension (ISS) - Students assigned to ISS will report to the ISS Room, 334, upon their prompt arrival at school. 

  8. Out-of-School Suspension (OSS) - Students assigned OSS are removed from school and all related school functions for a period of 1 to 10 days.  Students serving OSS are expected to complete all missed assignments.  Being on School District Property while serving OSS is deemed trespassing and may result in further disciplinary action and law enforcement intervention.


The purpose of the Dress Code is to encourage students to focus on the learning process without the distractions of unsuitable dress and grooming. Students shall maintain a clean, orderly appearance at all times. The responsibility for the personal appearance of the student rests with the parent/guardian and the student. Personal appearance shall not disrupt the educational process. A student who is dressed appropriately is demonstrating respect for self and others, as well as contributing to a safe and orderly learning environment.  It is an expectation that all students follow the school dress code. 

OHMS Student Dress Code


Following the Lee County School District directive, all electronic devices, including CELL PHONES, must be turned off and secured in backpacks.  There will be a designated area in each classroom for students to place their backpacks in during class.  There are times when teachers may incorporate an electronic device in a lesson, in which students may be granted access to the device in order to actively participate.  Possession of all electronic devices is done at the student’s own risk and the school assumes no responsibility in regard to these items.  Unauthorized cell phone use by students is subject to disciplinary action.  

Use of an electronic device that negatively impacts the school environment or another student’s ability to learn (i.e. Social media use), or refusal to comply with electronic device policies may result in confiscation of the electronic device and/or loss of privilege of having the device in the student’s possession while on campus. 


FortifyFL is a suspicious activity reporting tool that allows you to instantly relay information to appropriate law enforcement agencies and school officials.  You have the option to remain anonymous when reporting. FortifyFL Website


Gum and candy are NOT allowed on campus or on school buses at any time.  Food and drinks are only permitted in the cafeteria or school-sponsored/arranged events and/or activities.  This will help promote a clean and safe environment. 


  • Students are not permitted to be in the hallway during the first 5 minutes and last 5 minutes of each class.

  • Each student will be granted 2 SilentPass Passes per school day. Utilizing SilentPass is a procedure that must be followed by a student to be granted permission to leave a classroom.  The pass allows for a location to be selected (i.e. Restroom) and a timer to track the time a student is out of class. A student may not be out of class longer than 5 minutes.

  • In the hallway, students are expected to walk quickly and silently, follow the proper traffic flow, respect OHMS and the people within, and help maintain a clean hallway.

  • Students in the hallway without a pass during class time can fall into categories of skipping or out of area.  Students are not permitted in unauthorized areas without permission. 

  • Students are expected to use the bathroom on the floor their class is assigned.  Students in Portables 1 - 8 must utilize the 1st Floor student bathrooms.  Students in Building 2 and Portables 9 - 14 must utilize the Building 2 student bathrooms.


Homework is an extension of the learning process and is assigned to reinforce skills and concepts learned in the classroom.  For this reason, homework will be assigned in your content-area classes.  Students are encouraged to set aside time daily to study at home.


The Lost and Found is located in the Front Office.  It is strongly encouraged to have personal belongings labeled with the student’s name.  The school is not responsible for any loss of personal property.  Large sums of money, wireless headphones, game systems, electronic devices, and other valuables should be left at home.  The school is not responsible for cell phones brought on campus or on the bus.  Items not claimed within 30 days will be donated to charity.  


Students should not possess or take medication while at school.  If a student requires medication to be given during school hours, it must be brought, by the parent/guardian, to the clinic in the original, labeled container.  A Parent Permission for Medication Form (MIS/398) must be filled out by a student’s parent/guardian.  If any medication is needed for more than a two-week period, the Doctor’s Permission for Medication Form (MIS/401) must also be completed. 


The Media Center is open from 9:45 am - 3:45 pm for student use.  Student use of the Media Center is a privilege and requires permission from a teacher.  Students are responsible for the books they have checked out and are to return them on time.  Each parent/guardian of a student to whom materials have been issued shall be held liable for any loss or damage to such materials or for the failure of the student to return the materials when directed to by the principal or designee.  Students shall pay for, replace, or repair District property loaned to them that they subsequently lose or damage.  Until paid in full, assessed fees will follow students throughout high school and may affect high school graduation. 


Any items that may distract the school/class learning environment are not to be brought on campus or on the bus.  A complete list of prohibited items can be found in the district’s Student Code of Conduct.  Examples of prohibited items are drugs, alcohol, weapons, fireworks, vapes, tobacco products, and other paraphernalia.  Personal electronic devices including cameras, iPods, hand-held games, laser pointers, etc. are prohibited on campus.  Additionally, aerosol cans, glass containers, toys, skateboards, cards, and any other nuisance items are prohibited as they are disruptive and distract from the specific purpose of the school.  Large sums of money and/or other valuable items should not be brought to school.  


Each grade level has an assigned school counselor.  If a student needs to speak with a school counselor, the student should email the Counselor with the request.  As a student, if you feel you need immediate assistance, please speak with your teacher so they may follow the proper procedures to assist you as necessary.     


Our School Resource Officers (SRO) are Deputies with the Lee County Sheriff's Office.  They serve as a resource in matters concerning law enforcement.  Students should view the SROs as a resource.  Students may contact the SROs with confidential information and remain anonymous as necessary. 


This topic is covered in the Student Code of Conduct. IF at any time there is a reason to believe that a student is concealing/carrying stolen or illegal property, alcohol, drugs, weapons, tobacco products, vapes, or contraband, administration has the right to search the student and their personal property.  All vehicles on campus are subject to search. 


Students are responsible for damage to or loss of textbooks assigned to their care.  Students who damage books or school property will be required to pay for the damage or replacement cost of the item. 



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