MYP Inclusion/SEN Policy

OHMS MYP Inclusion/SEN Policy


The purpose of this document is to delineate the Oak Hammock Middle School (MYP) Inclusion Policy. We are committed to supporting the needs of our diverse student population. Individual learning differences and styles are respected by our staff, and we work to help students grow through differentiated support. We are able to meet students where they are and help them grow through scaffolded support. This policy is communicated to, and understood by, all of OHMS’ continuing and new teachers, students, parents, and administrators.



In our mission to empower each student to reach his or her highest potential, our inclusion policy is based on our diverse student population and the acknowledgement of their unique learning differences. The IB MYP is schoolwide at OHMS and inclusion is designed to increase engagement and access for all students. In congruence with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), OHMS works diligently “to ensure that all children with disabilities have available to them a free appropriate public education that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education, employment, and independent living” (IDEA, 2019). 

Oak Hammock Middle School also complies with the Lee County School District’s policies for all Special Education procedures, including ones concerning special education referrals, evaluations, testing, and student file cumulative records. At OHMS, we focus our resources on teaching and learning so that all of our students have a meaningful MYP experience. Regardless of a student’s situation or learning differences, our aim is to provide quality, rigorous instruction and support services to equip students in becoming globally minded thinkers. 

Through our inclusion policy, we seek to exemplify the IB Learner profile attributes in our attempt to mold caring, reflective, inquirers at our school.


OHMS Responsibilities:

By being an inclusive school, we must demonstrate a culture where all learners are valued and each student is provided a rigorous and academically focused learning environment. Whether a student is new to the country and is an English Language learner, a gifted student, or has any other special needs, through differentiation, we offer teaching practices that build opportunities in which each student can develop, pursue, and achieve their personal learning goals.

Each educator is required to earn 20 inservice credit hours to renew their Florida teacher certification. According to the Lee County school district, “all educators share responsibility for meeting the needs of all students.”

Services and Supports (as described by Lee County School District’s web site):

I. Out-of-Class Support

  • Consultation

    “General education teachers and ESE (Exceptional Student Education)  teachers meet regularly to plan, implement and monitor instructional alternatives designed to ensure that the student with an exceptionality is successful in the general education classroom. All teachers providing support to students via consultation with the students’ general education teachers are required to maintain a record of the teachers, courses, and ESE students to whom they are providing services.”

II. In-Class Support

  • Support Facilitation

    "An ESE teacher provides support for ESE students’ achievement in the general classroom. Support facilitators may work and move among two or more basic education classrooms working with the general education teachers and students identified with exceptionalities as needed. The frequency and intensity of support varies based upon students’ and/or general educators’ need for assistance.”

  •  Co-Teaching

    “A classroom in which two teachers, an ESE and a general education teacher, share responsibility for planning, delivering, and evaluating instruction for all students in a class, some of whom are ESE and some of whom are not. In order to be considered co-teaching, this delivery system is provided whenever a class/subject is taught by two teachers and must continue for the entire class period.”

  •  Peer Support  “Students in the general education classroom assist with physical,social, or classroom needs and who may also provide instructional tutoring.”

Benefits for Students: 

“Inclusion ensures the maximum opportunity for the participation of all individuals in every aspect of the community. It guarantees the provision of services and supports necessary for all individuals to participate in society” (from Florida’s strategic plan for Exceptional Education)

●            Reduce fear of human differences.

●            Increased comfort and awareness.

●            Opportunities for leadership through peer supports.

●            More time spent working cooperatively.

●            Positive attitude toward school.

●            Improved self-esteem.

●            Improved citizenship.



MYP: from Principles into Practice. International Baccalaureate Organization, 2014.

“Carrollwood Day School.” Carrollwood Day School: Middle Years Programme (MYP),

“Inclusion.” Lee County Schools,

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